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Carbon Footprint is an environmental metric that measures and calculates the total green-house gas emissions generated directly or indirectly by individuals, organizations, products, events or geographic regions. It is measured in mass of CO2 equivalent (CO2e or CO2eq). It is used this way because CO2 is the most abundant gas among the Greenhouse Gases and is used as a reference in the meas-urement of the rest of the elements.The correct management of CO2 serves as a useful tool to know the actions or behaviors that are contributing to increase emissions, and to see how we can improve them and make a more efficient use of resources.

The carbon footprint was created as a measure to quantify and generate an indicator of the envi-ronmental impact of a given activity or process on climate change. It can be focused or approached from different specific aspects or scopes, which are internationally recognized, for example:

Corporate Focus

This consists of evaluating the carbon footprint of an organization over a given period of time, usually a calendar year. It is mainly used to prepare corporate reports, which serve as a basis for communicating the company’s climate change performance to all stakeholders (suppliers, customers, investors, government, among others).For proper management, the corporate carbon footprint groups greenhouse gas emissions into 3 scopes:

Direct emissions: are emissions from sources owned or controlled by the organization.
Indirect emissions from energy consumption and distribution: correspond to emissions associated with the consumption of electricity and/or steam generated by third parties.

Other indirect emissions: emissions are emissions that are not owned or con-trolled by the organization.

At Nakasawa Mining & Energy, with the incorporation of the new Super Matroid Technology (SMT) to our equipment and systems, we are directly contributing to a considerable reduction of the Carbon Footprint of our organization.

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