At present, all the Preventive Maintenance programs in rotating equipment are necessary, this is because they all suffer wear or deteriorate due to a great diversity of causes, to mitigate the failures that may occur in the operational environment, a plan of preventive maintenance, which allows compliance with production, safety, environmental regulations and cost requirements. The reduction of unproductive times, allows to increase the availability of the equipment and therefore its productivity, for this reason the hours of corrective maintenance are reduced, the increase of the costs for consumption of spare parts and manufacture of parts, and man hours above time, among others.
NAKASAWA, aware of the importance of optimizing the maintenance of its rotating equipment, and that its deterioration does not stop, but only slows down, to a greater or lesser degree depending on its quality and effectiveness, implements a methodology focused on reliability, so that their equipment fulfills the function for which they were designed, without failures and according to the determined conditions during a given period of time. Increased reliability lowers operating costs, minimizes equipment failures, and contributes to increased production.
In NAKASAWA, the good results in the effectiveness of its Preventive Maintenance Plan in rotating equipment are due to the availability of financial resources, the best maintenance techniques and the formation of its multidisciplinary Technical team that works with the system approach as a whole. . Taking into account aspects such as the frequency of failures, the mean time to repair, the cost of intervention, operational flexibility and the impacts on production, the reliability analysis for the equipment in the process is simplified and prioritized.
For this reason, the key factor in the optimization of rotating equipment consists in analyzing potential failures that could prevent them from performing their main function in advance, in order to reduce their appearance through planned approaches in maintenance programs.
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