The concept of human capital has acquired greater relevance in recent years due to its importance within organizations and its influence on the development of competitive advantage. This term refers to the productive capacity of a company, recognizing the key role played by employees in the performance of tasks that are fundamental to the company’s success.
For this reason, it is essential for any organization to have a team of professionals committed to the business objectives, because the more capable the team is, the more efficiently the tasks carried out within an organization will be performed. Thanks to this element, the possibilities of business success contribute to performance, productivity and organizational and individual well-being.
In that sense, at Nakasawa Resources we are proud to work with integrity and skills focused on designing and delivering cutting-edge technological solutions for our clients, allowing the fulfillment of our main objective: to lead the technological transformation of the enhanced oil and gas recovery industry through sustainable practices.
Therefore, we share the testimony of 2 of our collaborators, who with their effort and dedication allow us to reach and satisfy the expectations of our clients and allow the growth of our organization:
Antonio Ortiz – Geoscience and Production Manager
Without a doubt, the planning, coordination, execution and monitoring of thermal recovery projects would not be possible without the incredible work that Antonio Ortiz has been doing, who was recently promoted as Manager of Geosciences and Production in EOR Projects. Thanks to its 18 years of experience in the upstream segment, the quality of the projects delivered to our clients is assured.
Ali José Ruíz – Surface Facilities and Operations Leader
Having a professional with Ali’s background and experience in our team is a privilege that we like to share. For the last 3 years he has been performing his role as leader of Surface Operations and Facilities and thanks to his long experience, he has enhanced his skills in the operation and start-up of pilot projects of heavy crude oil EOR, as well as in the coordination of integral risk systems.
Understanding the importance of the human factor in companies, allows us to have committed and motivated workers to give their maximum effort to get the job done. For this reason, in Nakasawa Resources we lead the processes of enhanced oil recovery, thanks to the great human team that integrates and is part of our processes, whose vision and mission are aligned with ours.