Unconventional reservoirs, particularly those associated with Heavy and Extra Heavy Oil, are definitely linked to the implementation of Enhanced Recovery technologies that are increasingly more effective in terms of increasing the recovery factor, more profitable, and environmentally friendly. This has prompted the various operating companies, service companies, and universities to join in the continuous search for innovative solutions.
Another determining factor continues to be the imperative need to satisfy the internal energy demand of each nation, which has forced some countries such as the United States, Mexico, or Colombia to establish measures and general guidelines to strengthen the Research and Development segment in the field of Enhanced Recovery aimed at increasing their oil production levels.
At this point, the so-called hybrid technologies appear as a promising solution with very short-term perspectives, among which the following stand out for heavy crude: Steam Injection with foams, Steam Injection with Solvents, and Steam Injection with Flue Gas. Based on the specific characteristics of each field and the screening methods, each of these alternatives offers significant increases in the production of petroleum oil together with an important impact in terms of the generation of less polluting gas emissions such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), and Sulfur compounds (SO2). It is worth mentioning that countries such as China and the United States have been the pioneers in the implementation of these hybrid enhanced recovery technologies, mainly in Foam and/or Gel Injection.
At Nakasawa Resources, we are committed to the rational exploitation of crude oil and gas reserves of the different Heavy Oil assets, highlighting the establishment of solutions with less environmental impact. We are currently developing strategic alliances with Universities with the intention of advancing rapidly in the Research and Development of hybrid enhanced recovery technologies
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